Health, hygiene: a few points

Health, hygiene: a few points

From 8 to 10 years old, it’s the last straight line before the start of an often hectic period: puberty and adolescence. So, you have to be prepared…

His growth

Between 6 and 10 years old, your child grows by 5 cm on average and gains 2.5 kg per year, boys and girls alike! The essential element of growth monitoring is the corpulence index: this index is calculated by dividing the weight of the child by his height squared. Ask your doctor to draw the curve, in the same way as the weight and height curves that appear at the end of the health record. Indeed, the too-rapid acceleration of this index signals the beginning of the development of obesity.

An annual dose of vitamin D remains recommended until the end of growth, in order to optimize bone fixation of calcium.

The approach to puberty

If pubertal development rarely begins before the age of 12 in boys, the first signs normally appear from the age of 9 in girls. It is therefore generally in CM1 that you will notice that her breasts begin to develop (sometimes only one breast, at first). A few months later, pubic hair appears (a few long, sparse hairs on the labia majora).

About 5% of girls will have their first period before age 11 (the average age is 13). The girls talk about it among themselves, but they want you to tell them how it went for you. These moments of dialogue and an answer to all their questions, even the most unexpected, will be of great help to them. Speak frankly!

It is also at this age that your daughter begins to want to preserve her privacy: she locks herself in the bathroom or wants her brother to stay in the waiting room during the doctor’s consultation…

Oral hygiene

The most essential tool to use twice a day is the toothbrush! The annual visit to the dentist is essential. When the 8 milk incisors have fallen out and been replaced by permanent teeth, an orthodontic check-up may be advised by the dentist or the doctor, because certain anomalies in the placement of the teeth or the jaws must be fitted from the age of 8 or 9 years old. . Far from the clearly visible “wires” of our childhood, current devices are more discreet, efficient and generally well accepted by young people.

Parents, doctors, and children: each has a role!


  • The health and hygiene of young children is first and foremost the concern of the parents! And that, on a daily basis. Good habits are formed very early and rarely lost afterward.
  • Pediatricians, general practitioners, and dentists carry out periodic check-ups
    (at least once a year) and propose corrective measures, if necessary
  • The dialogue between the child with his parents is essential, especially at the time of puberty. Be attentive, and answer their questions precisely, but without being intrusive.

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